No one can know what the future will hold, but the water sector is in the unenviable position of having to plan for the long term despite significant uncertainties over water availability and demand.
A single view of the future will be wrong. However, a perspective based on carefully worked scenarios is more likely to include the range of possibilities, against which a strategy can be tested, its strengths understood and risks and resilience assessed. This is the approach which experience has shown is a good starting point for formulating a strategy which can then be adaptively managed.
- Developed the Water Resources Strategy for England and Wales, using an innovative modular approach, and ground-breaking scenario planning to take account of uncertainties in population forecasts and climate change impacts. The aim was to ensure secure water supplies across all sectors, and protection for the environment, to the 2050’s and beyond
- Developed the evidence base – ‘The Case for Change’ which underpinned the Government White Paper ‘Water for Life’. Followed through with ongoing advice on converting the policy thinking into legislation and consultation on options
- Established the approach to delivering the Water Framework Directive, and revised Bathing Water Directive, in England and Wales
- Advised major corporate clients on the potential environmental risks and opportunities of Brexit
- Under contract from UNESCO, advised the water regulator for the Federal District and city of Brasilia on opportunities for the adoption of international good practice, and the reduction of risk